Urdangarin begins his volunteer “grateful” and will support units of psychomotricity”we Come to see Urdangarin!”The office of the Prosecutor draws the permission to Urdangarin to make volunteering

The first day of Iñaki Urdangarin as a volunteer left a second protagonist. This is Francisco Sanchez, the director of the Home Don Orione, who discusses with ABC how was the first day of your permit prison .

“All the workers have been told what normal is. Is a person more. In addition he was doing some tasks that are not easy , ” highlights Sánchez. The head of the center recognizes that, just before the end of her first day, Urdangarin thanked them, precisely, that you do not are taxed any type of special treatment.

“What else you need to Iñaki right now is to find normality, both in dealing with others as in the things that they do. If during six hours he can do normal things, helping others here, I will be happy”, insists the director, who also advances that Urdangarin ate along with the rest of the staff of the Home Don Orione.

In the midst of the controversy that has raised the volunteer of the husband of the Infanta Cristina, Sanchez insists that from the center, the only requirement that they put up at the time of admitting Urdangarin was “everything done with accordance to the law,” and also admits that, for the moment, don’t know how much time more will attend as a volunteer. “ When leaving I asked her if she would on Tuesday and told me that yes, we’re going day to day,” explains Sanchez to ABC a few hours of the Prosecution’s access to the permission given to Urdangarin.

“Great work”

The president also notes in the “acknowledgements” of constants that were given by the husband of the Infanta Cristina and reveals that the new volunteer thanked them, after the contact and before returning to the prison of Brieva, the “great work” they do in the Home to improve the life of its inmates.