One out of every four school children has vision problems”Children labeled as lazy, what you have is a vision problem (not view)”Signals that should alert you to the existence of a vision problem

In Spain, according to the association of public utility Vision and Life, 50% of the children need prescription glasses , but do not wear them because of the ignorance of the parents. Of this percentage, about 30% of cases can result in school failure.

The start of the school year is a date scheduled for the parents. To do this, the children are prepared with the best school supplies for the start of a new course, but on many occasions, the first forget a very important , and that form part of the development and learning of the child: the review of the view.

The majority of the age of seven years, have not been tested by an optician-optometrist and it is shown that, the visual problems in children negatively affect the school performance of the student, making it a problem of school failure. According to the study “Astigmatism and Early Academic Readiness in Preschool Child” carried out pre-school children with visual problems, such as astigmatism, get lower notes in the domains of Personal and Social Development, Language and Literacy, Physical Development and Communication.

For this reason, the Foundation ALAIN AFFLELOU, with its strong social work focus to the smallest, has for many years committed to improving their development through their School Campaign in Favor of the Visual Health of Children.

On the twentieth anniversary, this campaign will be between 12,000 and 15,000 reviews , and with the goal of giving away prescription glasses to 10,000 children between 5 and 7 years, the critical ages in which are evident refractive defects such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and other visual defects such as strabismus or amblyopia, and to those in need, will be given a prescription glasses. In addition, the foundation has enabled a special platform on its website so that families can manage the appointment from September 9 to October 13.

The 20th School Campaign in Favor of the Visual Health Child search for beat records help to become the social initiative is more important in Spain in terms of visual health of children with reason of the start of the course in September, one of the months of the year in which the families face more expenses.

The foundation, through this campaign, work each year to prevent the problems of eye health child and to facilitate the learning and success of more small , counting in total with up to 110,000 children reviewed and 80,000 prescription glasses since its launch.

During the school year, children must make a visual effort extra due to the large number of tasks that they perform: doing homework, reading, extracurricular activities, the constant exposure to screens due to the continued use of computers, televisions, mobiles or tablets. All of this activity makes the view of the smaller work without a break, causing discomfort or visual problems of greater scope . These indicators, if they are not detected and treated in time, can lead in a school performance in the child that may be confused with a lack of interest in the college, when the reality may be that you do not see properly the chalkboard or can’t keep up with the pace of the classes.

Signals that betray a vision problem

therefore, it is very important that the children enjoy a good visual health and to attend regular check-ups, as 80% of the information that reaches the brain is perceived through the eyes. For this reason, the foundation recommends to be aware of the behavior of the child, paying special attention to some of the key signals that reveal the existence of a vision problem:


half-closes the eyes to look, or fixate on distant details.

2. is Twist your eyes or squints.

3. is headache often.


it Seems that you have the eyes lost to speak with someone.

5. is very close to the tv or the books.

6. is rubs eyes with frequency.


you will irritate eyes , will swell the eyelids, or to styes usually.

8. is bothers Him the light of the sun in excess.

9. is Usually twisting the head a lot when reading, doing homework or watching tv.

“The beginning of the school year is a key time for the foundation. The School Campaign in Favor of the Visual Health of Children, is, without a doubt, the social project is more important that we develop, not only for a career that has, but for the help they provide to families. This year we want to exceed the figures of 2018, get to review more small and able to get to give away 10.000 glasses , ” says Eva Ivars, representative of the foundation.

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