Frames Mundstok: “We are especially delighted that this prize has been awarded to a group of comedians”Les Luthiers: “Still we do not believe to be award-winning””Our only claim has been that the audience laugh out loud”

forty-five years Ago, in 1974, a quirky argentine group that attended to the name of Les Luthiers , and that the advertising greeted as “a delirious comedy-musical”, it was presented in Madrid -specifically in the Teatro Marquina -. It was a Spain different; they had to undergo prior censorship. “We attended after amazed at the growth of a country, which for us is fundamental, and for which we feel a great affection,” says Jorge Maronna . But in 1974, the success was perfectly describable and the daring entrepreneur who brought them to Spain-the admirable and remembered José Caturla – had to sell her car to cover the failure. Your faith in them, however, not declined, and returned to bring to you eight years later. It was the beginning of the implementation in Spain of the “religion luthierana”, that counts with numerous followers.

on The 11th of October, “ Les Luthiers 2.0 “-since there are only two members of the usual set – start in Madrid, the third part of the tour of ” Old hazmerreíres “, a show memorable (it is his third anthology), which will visit Madrid (Palacio Municipal de Congresos, 11-27 October), Zaragoza (Auditorium, 4 and 5 march 2020), San Sebastian (Kursaal Palace, on 7 and 8 march), Logroño (Riojaforum, march 11), Pamplona (Baluarte, 13 and 14 march), Bilbao (Palacio Euskalduna, 16, 17 and 18 march) and Vitoria (Teatro Principal, 20 and 21 of march).

“It’s -joked yesterday Carlos López Puccio , one of the two veterans of the sextet – a show very special: it is a show with humor, there are a lot of jokes and people laugh”. Do not lose the sense of humor of the components of Les Luthiers nor in their meetings with the press, although they offer news as sad as that Marcos Mundstock -the usual narrator of the exploits of Mastropiero – left in march to travel with the group, already suffering from a serious disease that affects your motor skills.

López Puccio, Jorge Maronna are the old guard of Les Luthiers, which is complete with Horacio “Tato” Turano, Martin O’connor , Tomas Mayer-Wolf and Roberto the day before yesterday . The six interpret this show musically varied, where you will hear, as he explained the day before yesterday, “zarzuela, jazz, bossa nova, cumbia…” All these rhythms served, naturally, by a handful of the famous “ instruments informal ” so characteristic of the group: in the “Old hazmerreíres” you can hear -and see – the desafinaducha, the nomeolbidet, the calephone house, the lira of seat or lirodoro; the kitchen (the only new instrument), the bocineta, the tubófono silicone chrome, and the tables washed. Whoever gets to see the show you can see up close another handful of instruments in informal settings, which will be exhibited in the hall of the theatres. And it is this “jewel in the crown” of the group is a fundamental part of the show. “Travel -reveals López Puccio – in forty-three steamer trunks that weigh five tons. And there are chests that small…”

The old radiotertulia (created in the eighties) in which two journalists engage in dialogue and opinion about a myriad of topics about which they barely have knowledge -any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence – it serves as the leitmotif of the show, which is renewed every day. There is something ” darwinian “, full-López Puccio, “the show evolves by the sound of the laughter of the spectators.”