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The judge of the Hearing Nacional José Luis Calama has ordered a series of procedures to investigate the tribute to the etarra Xabier Ugarte, convicted for the abduction of José Antonio Ortega Lara , among which is to identify the perpetrators of the “herriko taberna” Oñate (Guipúzcoa) that might have been behind the organisation of the event.

In the car, which has had access Europa Press, the holder of the Central Court of Instruction no. 4 directs the Civil Guard attesting to the “possible relationship between the organisation” of the tribute and the ‘herriko taberna’, “especially in the distribution of material” used in the act refers.

Also, you want to identify the responsible of the establishment and also to the people who participated in the sharing of that material, that is, ikurriñas, banners and flares on display during the tribute to the etarra, which was released at the end of the last month of July after 22 years in prison.

The judge has ordered these proceedings is after the request made by the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) , which is himself as a popular indictment, and the Prosecution agreed, since it considers that they meet the requirements set out in the jurisprudence, in addition to being “useful and relevant”.

In the preliminary report in which the Guardia Civil examined pictures of what happened, the researchers told those attending the tribute at Oñate carried ikurriñas, flares and banners demanding the rapprochement of ETA prisoners to their places of origin. “Historically, the ‘herriko tabernas’ have been used for the celebration of acts of homage ‘ongi etorri’ to members of the ETA on both the inside and the outside of the same”, he added, the Armed Institute.

These are not the first steps ordered by the judge Calama in the research of the tribute to Ugarte, since the beginning of August called for the identification of the persons who assaulted several journalists covering the event.

The judge of the Hearing Nacional José Luis Calama has ordered a series of procedures to investigate the tribute to the etarra Xabier Ugarte, convicted for the abduction of José Antonio Ortega Lara, among which is to identify the perpetrators of the ‘herriko taberna’ in Oñate (Guipúzcoa) that could have been behind the organisation of the event.