Raquel Perera reacts after learning of the new love of Alexander SanzLa a cuban artist that has put in jeopardy the marriage of Alejandro Sanz

The Court of First Instance number 74 of Madrid has sentenced to Alejandro Sanz to pay 5.4 million euros to his former representative, Rosa Lagarrigue , owner of the firm managament RLM, that carries or has carried the careers of other great Spanish artists such as Miguel Bosé , is Mecano (after Ana Torroja ), Raphael , Malú or Rozalén .

Both signed a contract in 2014 that committed until 2019, but Alejandro Sanz broke of form “unilateral” in 2016, after an audit promoted by he himself discovered a few alleged irregularities in the management of RLM . Lagarrigue not only denied categorically any descuadre in the accounts of your agency, but also said that there was no audit. In 2017 proceeded to sue the artist, who had been working on since the beginning of his career, asking for a compensation of close to eight million euros for breach of contract.

Judgment appealed

Sanz sat on the bench of the accused to declare the 31st of July, and this Monday was known that the verdict has been unfavorable, although he is left with the option of recourse. When you do not have yet a final judgment, Lagarrigue declined on Monday to give statements to this newspaper.

Known in the discographic world by being a representative with an enormous capacity of influence -“it is the most powerful guild in Spain, and it may be scary,” says a source who worked with her-, said after the demand that this judicial conflict “has been the saddest” of his professional life. “I started with Alejandro from scratch when I was a young lad of Moratalaz and look where it came. But for me it’s hard to talk because there are very serious problems in the middle. And I donít have an explanation. is The break up was completely one-sided contract and force , that is to say, that it was neither spoken nor consensual. What is very painful.”

The case is similar to that of Miguel Bosé , who broke up with RLM and Rosa Lagarrigue in 2014, after a working relationship of more than 35 years. Three years later, in 2017, it was Malú -who maintains a close friendship with Alejandro Sanz – who finiquitó, “without bad rolls”, his relationship with RLM, because I wanted to “form a team and take the reins”.

After the break with Lagarrigue, Sanz hired as manager Juan Carlos Chaves, an officer of Prisa Radio with three decades of experience as an executive in the music stations. But from July 2017 works with Mow Management, agency of Oscar García Blesa , extrabajador of Warner Music and the author of his authorized biography “#LIVES”.

summer love

This summer has been especially busy for Alejandro Sanz, who also is separating from his wife, Raquel Perera , who was also their head of product for years working hand-in-hand with Lagarrigue. Less than a week ago, the journal “Heart” was to cover the world exclusive of the new partner of the singer: it is Rachael Valdes , a visual artist and model cuban 30 years of age.