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A team of researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia, has just done an exceptional discovery during one of his experiments. The easiest way to describe it would be that they have found a “new type of order in the time quantum” . The finding, in which are mixed the classical physics and quantum physics allows you to alter the temporary order logic of two or more events.

The physical Magdalena Zych, who has led the research, says that the discovery came from an experiment designed by his team to unite elements of the two major, but contradictory, theories of Physics. The results of this unique work have just been published in Nature Communications.

“Our purpose –it secures the research– was to find out what happens when an object is sufficiently massive as to influence the flow of time is placed in a quantum state”.

The time in the quantum and relativity

it is important to clarify, at this point, that the concept of time and its flow much changes from classical physics to quantum mechanics. As explained by the authors in their article, “The time is fundamentally different in quantum mechanics and in general relativity. is In quantum theory, events unfold in a fixed order , while in general relativity the temporal order is influenced by the distribution of matter. When the matter requires a quantum description, it is expected that the temporary order is again not classic, a scenario beyond the scope of the current theories. Here we provide a direct description of this scenario”.

The theory of Einstein, for example, predicts that the presence of a very massive object can slow down time . And that is precisely the experiment of the researchers.

“let us Imagine two spaceships –explains Zych– that are commanded to trigger each other in a specific moment, at the same time trying to avoid the attack of your opponent.”

Obviously, the first thing that made your shot will be the winner and destroy the other ship. But things are not always as they seem.

Slow down time in combat…

“According to the theory of Einstein –continues Zych– an enemy powerful enough you could use the principles of general relativity and to place a very massive object, like a planet, close to the enemy ship for it to slow down the passage of time. Because of this time lapse, the ship is more distant from the massive object to soar before you, and destroy your opponent.”

And right here comes the second theory. Quantum mechanics, in effect, says that an object may be in a state of “superposition”. “Which means –continues the researcher– we can find it in different states at the same time, as happens with the famous Schrodinger’s cat”. (You know, the cat locked in a box with a vial of poison, and that, according to quantum mechanics, is in a state of “live/dead” until we open the box and “materialize” one of the two possible states).

Or slow the flow of time

well, according to Zych, if we apply quantum mechanics to the case of the space battle, the ship should be destroyed because of the slowing down of time could put all of the massive object (the planet) in a state of quantum superposition, which would interrupt immediately the flow of time .

For Zych, “this would be an entirely new way to set the order of the events, without any of them being either first or second. In a quantum state with genuine, in fact, these would both be first and second at the same time “.

he explains, for his part, Fabio Costa, co-author of the study, “although an overlay of the planets, as described in the study, may never be possible, the technology itself that allowed us to simulate how would the time in the quantum world, without the use of gravity. Even if the experiment never came to be, the study is relevant for future technologies “.

As an example of these technologies, Costa says that, “currently, we are working on quantum computers that, simply put, you could jump effectively in the time to make their operations much more efficiently than devices that operate according to a temporal sequence fixed, as we know it in our world, “normal””.