The PP claims to be a State party and that Sanchez would not acuerdosSánchez and Churches sharpen their stories to face the 10-NEl King opens a new round of consultations within one week of the end of the term for the investiture

The president of Citizens, Albert Rivera , has raised the president of the PP, Pablo Married , an abstention joint in the endowment of Pedro Sanchez , to change that the secretary general of the PSOE to accept three commitments “with Spain and the spaniards” so that he can avoid a repeat election on 10 November.

this has been expressed by the leader of Cs in a press conference at the national headquarters of the party, after meeting the Standing Committee and following a telephone conversation with Married in the that it has moved its offer. The president of the PP, although he has replicated that who should respond to that proposal is Sanchez, has assured that the “will to study”.

The conditions of Citizens are clear and non-negotiable: a new Government in Navarra PSOE with the coalition Navarra Sum (Comunidad Foral is chaired currently by the socialist María Chivite with the support of the nationalist Geroa Bai, Left-Esquerra, we Can and the abstention of Bildu), which constitutes a table for “planning” the event of the application of article 155 of the EC if there is no compliance of the judgments of the “procés”, that Sanchez be committed to not to pardon the pro-independence prisoners if you are convicted and design a new economic policy without tax increases.

Rivera has submitted its proposal as a “joint solution” of its formation and of the PP in a time limit of Spanish politics. Has acknowledged that his proposal comes less than 24 hours of the end of the second round of consultation of the King and predictably no candidate receives the adequate support to be invested. “ We are willing to put on the table a solution State, do not match ” for the legislature to have started, has emphasized Rivera. Ok Sanchez these requirements, could become the president of the Government this week as it would be with 124 votes in favour of the PSOE and of the Party’s Regionalist of Cantabria and the 123 abstentions of PP and Cs.

“The failure of Sanchez in no case may involve the failure of Spain. What this country cannot afford is a political blockage that costs us almost € 200 million, which does not leave acts of Parliament, that unemployment continues to grow and that those who want to destroy Spain to continue conquering territories of this country”, argues the president of Cs. Faced with the failure of Sanchez and Churches to put aside differences of background and come to an agreement, Rivera has said that the opposition has to be “up to the height that is worthy of Spain”.

private Meeting

According to sources of Cs, Rivera maintained throughout this afternoon a private meeting in the conference with the leader of the PP, Pablo Married , to discuss this proposal.

Sources of the PP warn that “it is Pedro Sanchez who has to answer to Albert Rivera as up to now has rejected all these proposals of the PP”. Anyway, they claim that Married “is willing, as it always has done, to meet both with Rivera as Sanchez”.

Precisely, first thing in the morning Married has pointed out in an informative breakfast that the Popular Party has already offered to Sánchez eleven covenants of State after the general election and that this preferred to seek alliances with the pro-independence, the nationalists and the populists. “Never been interested in any agreement with the PP”, has apostille.