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Three out of every four parents Spanish (74%) are concerned about the safety of their children when using the mobile, and among its concerns, one of the biggest is the cyber-bullying or “cyberbullying”, something that almost half of parents (48%) feared that their children suffer.

These are the conclusions obtained from the report of Ipsos, which has been done at the national level with a sample of over 500 owners of mobile of all Spain between 18 and 65 years, as you have shared Samsung, also a participant, in a statement picked up by Pd.

The 74% of parents are concerned about the safety of their children when they use the mobile phone. In addition, according to another study by Ipsos, the biggest concerns of the parents from the point of view of the security have to do with access to content that is not suitable (59%) and that children can suffer cyber-bullying or unhealthy relationships (48%).

Also, it is concluded that, in security , among the functions of more importance dan in the use of devices is preventing the phone can be used if it is lost or stolen (50%), the limitation of facilities “apps” (45%) and make it impossible to change the password of the mobile phone (42%).

The company has highlighted the utility of Kids Mode , “a function that allows you to protect children by setting up a PIN so that they can freely navigate through the contents that the parental choice,” he assured the corporate vice president of Samsung Spain and Portugal, Celestino Garcia.

Concern the privacy and passwords

on the other hand, according to the report of the entity, in general, 72% of spaniards are concerned about the security in the mobile. Among the main concerns, 87% of the respondents have highlighted, in the first place, access to sensitive information, such as the bank details .

It is followed closely by other concerns related to the technology such as the security flaws in servers with data and keys with a 82% and the access to the keys of the cards in 79% of cases.

In terms of the level of knowledge of the risks by the users, for 64% of the respondents access to WiFi networks and public or open is the risk most well-known, followed by the theft of important passwords and the permissions that they ask for the “apps” to access personal data, with 63 and 58%, respectively.

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