Alessandro Lequio: “it costs Me a smile. My son’s disease is hard,”Alessandro Lequio Jr. is “glad” of the rapid expulsion of his mother, Ana Obregón

relapse Álex Lequio (27 years old) in her fight against cancer has been a hard blow for the members of the family Obregón, who, although they know perfectly well that it is a long, hard battle, they had not expected the news. Even so have continued with their professional commitments with the best of smiles.

So what has proven to Ana Obregón (64), who does not hesitate to talk about the setback and how he found his son. “Well, well, there has been a stone in the road ,” said the actress at the Awards Showcase in Seville at the time ensured that their child would improve soon: “I do not it is nor the slightest doubt.”

And emphasized: “This is a long disease and the face, as always: with a lot of optimism . Since it is the last stone”. Ana Obregón wished to take advantage of his intervention to encourage all who are suffering from this disease: “The only thing I encourage is to all the brave who fight against this disease. It is a disease that, thanks to God every year you discover new things, each year more is known, it is better. I think that within fifteen years it will be like having a flu and that is what we expect.”

In these awards, Ana Obregon received one of the awards , who did not hesitate to dedicate to your son and to all the people who are sick. “If it were not for these gifts and for these associations, do not investigate the cancer, and if there are no checks, not saving lives. People who are healing in these moments it is thanks to these donations. I dedicate the award, first to my son, and then to all the people like him, all the brave fighting this battle,” he said.

Ana Obregon also wanted to comment on your eject in the program “Masterchef”. The actress was eliminated on the same day in which started the space culinary, after having a high-profile fight with Vicky Martín Berrocal. An output that, despite everything, has been very well as well admits: “What I need in these moments is to be at the side of my son . So they did me a favor”, he concluded.