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Not all tenants who rent a home are individuals. Sometimes, the back a company that is paid by the month . There are many companies who prefer this formula to accommodate their displaced workers before the hotel. The reason is usually economic in nature. In addition, the employee will feel more comfortable because it will be like in your own home. If you are thinking of offering your home to a professional client, you should take into account some recommendations:

1. Trend on the rise – If you were investigating the possibility of putting your house on rent to companies, what is certain is that now is the best time. This activity lives true boom today, given that emerging agencies specialized in managing this type of leases. Given that it is a nascent business, join this trend as soon as possible would ensure a place on your property before it begins to consolidate.

2. Cleaning and Internet – The demands of rental companies are higher than those of a residential rental traditional. It is very possible that you have to offer a cleaning service daily or weekly basis, so you will need to hire a professional to do it. Another essential is a good Internet connection, since the inhabitant of the house will want to work and get in touch with your family.

3. Neither too much nor too little– to Rent to companies is the appropriate option if you do not want to be tethered to a conventional rental that lasts for years for fear of having to recover the house and find yourself with a tenant that is unreasonable. Also, it prevents the excessive rotation of a tourist rental, which rarely exceeds a week. The rental companies tend to be a middle term, as they last between one and six months.

4. Low risk of non – payment – One of the advantages of this modality is its low risk of default. The companies accrued this expense in their balance sheets and it is difficult to stop meet from month a to another. This commitment gives the home a great peace of mind. Although no company is immune from bankruptcy, the truth is that it is more difficult for the payment to be failed by unexpected causes compared to a particular.

5. Only big cities – The geographic concentration is one of the characteristics that best define this type of lease. The profile of a dislocated worker is that of an executive who must stay for a certain time in a great capital, usually Madrid or Barcelona, so if the home is in another city it will be difficult to enter in this market. We speak of foreign multinationals or organizations diplomatic need of housing for its staff members.