The population of iberian wolf is increased by 20% in Castilla y León during the last décadaLas roads of Madrid slow down the expansion of the wolf to the south of the peninsula,”The wolf requires a coherent management of nature; not of direct protection”

The four wolf puppies that were born on the 26th of may in the Centre of the Iberian Wolf in Castilla y León-Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, managed by the Fundación Patrimonio Natural of the Board in the province of Zamora , they are in perfect condition. The mother, “Dark”, has recovered successfully after childbirth and it makes a completely normal life within the pack.

coming Soon will be an open day for all those who wish to know them.

At the end of last may, the Center of the Wolf was the scene of the delivery of five copies, the result of the mating of “Dark” and “Attila”. The four that remained with life and just turned their first months of life, in a good health .

puppies, three females and a male , wolf have been since they were born with “Dark” and under the care of the management unit and control Centre veterinarian, who has taken care of all health aspects and animal welfare.

When it was confirmed to the state of gestation of “Dark”, it was considered important that the names of the lobeznos they were linked with the territory, as a tribute to the area. Thus, two of the lobas are called “ Sanabria ” and ” Tera “, a reference to the region and its main river , and the male, “Llagu”, as in Sanabria know the Lake. “Stain” completes the quartet.

In the Center of the Wolf has as one of its fundamental objectives, the environmental education , so that during the last few weeks the technical team is doing important work for the integration of the cubs into one of the herds in order that the visitors can see the evolution of them over time.

captive Breeding

it is Worth remembering that the progenitors, “Dark” and “Attila”, who just turned eight and seven years of age, come from captive breeding. In particular, the male was born in the Environmental Education Centre “La Dehesa”, in Riópar ( Albacete ); while the female did so in the Park of the Nature Senda Viva in Arguedas ( Navarra ). Both were transferred to the Center’s Wolf puppies.

The copulations occurred during the last days of the month of march and for weeks after that, we carried out a comprehensive monitoring of the state of the she-wolf pregnant through a team of veterinarians specialists of the Veterinary Faculty of León and of the members of the Management Unit and Control Centre veterinarian. During the last days of gestation, the she-wolf was moved to an outbuilding of the Center equipped with the lobera, which finally gave birth in the early hours of Wednesday 26 may.

These four puppies, along with “Robledo”, born in 2016, constitute the group of wolves born in this reference center the wolf european level , opened in the year 2015.