Members of Churches insist on seeking an agreement to form a government despite the “pessimism”Sanchez raised the pitch against the Churches and refuses any option coaliciĆ³nPSOE and we Can break and lead to new elections

The King Felipe VI, will receive this Thursday at 9 am in the Palace of the Zarzuela to the president of Congress, Meritxell Batet , as announced by the House of the King.

The meeting with the speaker of the House is the step prior to that the King convene a new round of consultations with the political leaders , on the eve of that, on the 23rd, the end of the term marked by the Constitution to, or to inaugurate a president of the Government or dissolve the Cortes and the convening of elections, points Ep. It will be after this appointment when, predictably, Zarzuela communicate the date of the round of meetings with the parties.

Batet already commented on the last Monday, where he met with the king at the opening ceremony of the judicial year, which would have a contact in these days as a prologue to encounters with the formations represented in parliament.

Before you know when will take place the round, the president of Congress shall provide the monarch the list with the political representatives to the House of the King set the order and schedules.

Second batch of queries

Will be the second round of consultations Felipe VI to keep up with the parties since the general elections of the past April 28. The first took place on 5 and 6 June and led to don Felipe, to designate Sanchez as a candidate to try to the endowment.

on The 26th of July, the day following the day that Congress rejected in a second vote the re-election of the president of the Government on functions, Pedro Sanchez , the King agreed that it would not launch “for the moment” new queries, but that, “in any case, and before the end of the constitutional term of two months from the first vote of investiture”, I would cite to the parties.

This period concludes the next day 23 , and not to prosper the endowment, then, would dissolve the Cortes and would convene elections on 10 November.

The question to be resolved is whether at the end of the round, Felipe VI, designate or not a candidate .

the negotiations between The PSOE and United we Can so that Sanchez can be invested are locked after the meeting that their respective delegations held yesterday, Tuesday.The socialists refuse to engage in a coalition government, as calls for the formation abode, while United we Can reject that there is only an agreement to programme on the basis of the 370 measures put forward by the PSOE.