The perception people have about cannabis is rapidly changing, and its many benefits are being increasingly recognized as well. And many of its properties seem to be beneficial to seniors in particular. Many organizations have been fighting to make cannabis and derived products more accessible to seniors, and the US is taking major steps in that direction. Let’s take a look at how ready access to cannabis could benefit seniors.

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It Will Give them Access to Better Products

More access will also mean more regulation and will allow seniors to get access to high quality and safe products. They’ll also be able to know exactly what is in their product. This has been a major concern for CBD halkalı escort products, for instance, as many claim to contain CBD, but in reality only contain trace amounts, if any.

Not only that, but it will also facilitate research and the creation of strains and products that would address certain situations. As a matter of fact, cannabis for seniors is something major cannabis companies are focusing on, and strains of marijuana that contain almost nothing but CBD are already being introduced. CBD extracted from industrial hemp is the only type available to all Americans, but access to CBD strains would make it easier for those who would like to enjoy its benefits.

It Improves Their Quality of Life

Access to cannabis could improve the quality of life of millions of seniors struggling with all sorts of conditions. But one of the areas where it is showing the most promise is when it comes to neurodegenerative diseases. For instance, cannabis’s neuroprotective properties have been shown to reduce neuron inflammation in people suffering from Alzheimer’s, which could help with treatment of the condition.

And while cannabis has often been associated with mental impairment, it seems to have the complete opposite effect on seniors. One particular study found that aging mice who were administered a small dose of THC, the component in cannabis responsible for its psychoactive properties, were able to dramatically improve cognitive functions. The interesting part was that the same dose seemed to impair the younger ones, which shows that THC could have significantly different effects on the aging mind.

Cannabis Could Help Them Look Younger for Longer

Not only has cannabis been shown to reduce stress on the body, but it could also have protective properties for the skin. This is because cannabis is extremely rich in antioxidants. Plenty of environmental conditions can be a cause for skin damage over time, such as UV rays, poor diet, pollutants, etc. Cannabis’s antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties help the body combat and neutralize free radicals, which are one of the most common reasons for early aging.

Being able to access cannabis freely could literally change the lives of millions of seniors around the globe, and more research should be made on its benefits. We’re already moving in the right direction, but the proven benefits are already too much to ignore.