We’re constantly reminded of the importance of multivitamins for children: they help with brain and body development while keeping little ones energized and full of the nutrients they need. But why do some adults choose to take multivitamins on a daily basis too? Most don’t necessarily need to take them – however for many they provide a nice little boost to everyday life.

What are vitamins?

Vitamins are groups of organic compounds   that are essential for maintaining health. They are ingested by the average body on a daily basis through the food we eat, but also come in a range of capsules, powders, and liquids to supplement nutritional intake.

There are 16 minerals and 13 vitamins that our bodies need on a regular basis to maintain good health and keep hormone levels stable.

Here are 7 reasons why adults take multivitamins, and why you should consider it too.  

Keep the heart healthy

Many who suffer from a magnesium deficiency tend to suffer from heart problems. Magnesium is essential to keeping the heart healthy and for keeping the body energized – so those suffering from a lack of it may start to notice problems with their all-around health.

Taking a vitamin that contains magnesium will help to keep your heart healthy as a preventative measure, but is also shown to be particularly beneficial from those who have already suffered from heart failure.

A study reported by WhatSuppBox showed that when 16 patients with heart failure were supplemented with 300mg of Magnesium Citrate, their healthy heart function, Heart Rate Variability, improved over 5 weeks.

Increase the metabolism

Over the last 100 years, the amount of sugar we consume has increased rapidly. Many simply don’t realize just how much is in their everyday diet thanks to unnecessary added sugar in readily available food and fizzy drinks.

Many of these foods are ultimately very low in nutrients such as magnesium and chromium, which specifically help to our body to burn sugar for energy. Without these, much more of the sugar we consume is stored as fat.

Taking vitamins can help to reduce body weight and help enhance insulin to work at its very best. This will result in healthier body weight and a well balanced metabolism.

Helps with aging

As we grow older, the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food decreases due to changes in our digestive tissue and in the amount of medication we ingest. Vitamins can help to increase the number of nutrients our bodies without having to overeat.

Better memory

Some studies have shown that multivitamins can help to prevent memory loss and the risk of developing dementia. Vitamins are vital to keeping the brain functioning at its best, whether that is through a pill format or food. Many have suggested that by supplement a diet with extra nutrients, the brain is protected for longer. However, as suggested in an article by Cochrane, the research behind this is very limited and would need much more testing over a longer period of time to be proven.

Prevents chronic disease

According to Healthcare Weekly, the diet of most is not enough to ingest the best amount of vitamins possible. Low levels of folic acid or vitamin B6 have been proven as a risk factor for colon cancer, neural tube defects, and heart disease. Similarly, low levels of vitamin D can lead to fractures and osteopenia in later life.

Vitamins can help to boost the levels of nutrients in the body to prevent diseases like these developing.

Believed to be better than pharmaceutical drugs

Some doctors believe that the body benefits much more from vitamins than it does from taking a pharmaceutical drug. It’s all down to the idea that it’s better to make the body healthier through supplementation, rather than by covering up a problem with a pill. Mercola has reported that pharmaceutical drugs are 62,000 times more likely to kill than supplements. However, you need to be careful when comparing the two. Many have no other option than to take drugs, and supplements cannot easily replace the work of pharmaceuticals.

Make for a smoother and healthier pregnancy

It’s pretty obvious that pregnant women need more vitamins and minerals than the average person, but how many take them? Once again, these supplements are intended to boost levels in the body and prevent deficiencies, rather than to replace food.

Some studies have shown that mothers who take vitamins are less likely to give birth prematurely and give birth to children of a healthy weight, however other tests including those from the New England Journal of Medicine saw no linear results.


You will have discovered through this article that for some, vitamins work fantastically and others see no changes or benefits in their health at all.

If you’re a healthy person with no deficiencies who eats a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, it’s likely you won’t see much of a difference as your body is already getting everything it needs!

However, if you suffer from deficiencies or have a diet that is largely made up of pre-made, sugary foods, then vitamins may just be the change you’re looking for to help with metabolism, brain function and to keep the heart healthy.

If you’re struggling with general health, it may be time to see a doctor to make sure your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs. Taking vitamins to give your body a boost is likely to be much less harmful to your health than taking a drug to mend a problem after all.