A purchasing funnel is a journey a consumer takes from the time they come into contact with a product or service to the point they make their purchases.

The first contact is normally just awareness, then they form an opinion about the product. The third contact they make some considerations, choose their preference then make a purchase.

However, the most important part is the purchase of the product or the service. The means through which the purchase is made makes a big impact. However, the risk comes in when fraud issues with payments become prevalent.

So, here are five ways to improve your purchasing funnel:

  1. Increase Traffic

Most businesses operate online as it is easier for most customers to access it from anywhere. Therefore, through a website, your business should be capable of generating traffic to its website. Traffic generation boosters are the best strategy for generating traffic to your website. They include sponsored ads and affiliate ads linked to your site.

The increased traffic leads to more awareness. You could pay per click (PPC) for ads that consumers have clicked on through other websites. However, make sure to create a good and clear landing page and hps worldwide for the leads you generate.

  1. Engage in Social Media

After getting potential customers through your landing page, engage with them through email, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to create awareness about your product or service. Don’t try to sell the product to them yet. The key is to give them knowledge about what you are selling. Pointers include why they should use your product, is it safe, benefits, and varieties that exist.

It is also important to give a forum through which the consumer could ask you questions about the product or your organization. Be prompt to answer those questions.

Later on, is when you could tell the customers the price and justify why it is so.

  1. Call to Action (CTA)

While engaging with potential buyers, make sure to ask yourself what you want the customer to do. One could be asking them to subscribe to your email list for detailed information about your product. The CTA could also ask them to watch a video. No matter what it is, the objective should lead the reader to make a purchase.

  1. Payment Solutions

This is the most fundamental part of a purchase funnel. Payment is in the conversion and purchase stage. It entails the consumer making the decision to purchase. The purchase involves the actual transaction where the consumer gets the product/ service in exchange for their money.

Now that most businesses happen online, payment is also online then the product is delivered to the customer. Consumer’s expectation of online payment is different. However, most customers want to use a service that is legit and fraud-proof. To give consumers confidence in electronics purchases, it is your obligation to use the right payment solutions company.

  1. Loyalty and Resells

It does not end with the customer making a purchase. They can still refer you to friends and family but you have to prompt them to via CTAs to share ads and information about your product.

You could also make another sell to them after a period or introduce a new product to them.

There are many innovative ways to improve your purchasing funnel. It is important to stay savvy in new ways that may be emerging.