After the punishment received in the elections in andalusia, Pedro Sánchez was faced with a dilemma: continue to strengthen and develop ties with the independents to cling to power or to move out of such a toxic company to try to rein in their cost in votes for the PSOE. This Thursday it was clear the path chosen by the president of the Government, whose credibility is not as important as the institutional decay that inflicts on the State. After their fratricidal invocations to the path of slovenia, after its manifest alignment with the COR to sabotage public infrastructure and will have to lay siege to this Friday the Council of Ministers, Torra did not deserve the reward that Sanchez was granted in the form of a summit between equals to stage the satisfaction of a legitimate appetite of the republic of the unfair. Until the last time the Government tried to sell the appointment as a “meeting normal job”, but finally its members were rendered to an image demeaning to all the Spanish law-abiding, and grant a new propaganda victory to separatism. This is, once again, of bowing before those who did to Sanchez president and of whose will continues to depend on not only its permanence in The Moncloa, but also their hypothetical endowment in the future.

But if degrading was to deliver that picture to the independence, the statement after “both governments” was the letter of a capitulation that will haunt his protagonists -remember their names: Pedro Sanchez, Carmen Calvo, Meritxell Batet – for the rest of his political life. A whole Government of Spain genuflexo to those who day after day proclaim his desire to return to overthrow the constitutional order: the Executive reinforces the alibi with which the separatism justify the coup of the 1-Or -“the existence of a conflict” – feeds into the expectation of satisfying their demands for more self-government and for a referendum -“a policy proposal that has broad support from the Catalan society”-, minimizes the majority that is not independence, and assumed as an unequivocal “the demands of citizenship in Catalonia.” What is more serious is that you avoid, without doubt to demand of their partners, to mention the Constitution: the “dialogue” will be held “in the framework of legal security”, a euphemism own semantics populist.

The first installment was paid to the view of all: the parties, pro-independence voted for the spending ceiling to give oxygen to Sanchez. The assignments set in the exceptionality democratic in that languishes Catalonia. All for the sake of personal ambition of the president. Will pay for their mistakes at the ballot box, and so will the PSOE of those barons who did not react, but in the meantime is paying for the equality of all spaniards.

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