The minister of Economy and Business, Nadia Calviño, has stated this Monday that “it is not desirable, from any point of view” that the Government is driven to extend to 2019 the General State Budget (PGE) for 2018.

Calviño, in statements to Telecinco, collected by Europa Press, has reminded us that to extend the Budgets would close the next financial year with a deficit of 2.4%, six tenths above what was proposed in the new public accounts, that the Government will approve in January, and hopes to be able to move forward.

“(If extended PGE) not we would close the deficit so quickly and now that we are growing is when you have to reduce the public deficit,” said the minister.

In relation to the calculations of other agencies, among them Brussels, lowering the forecast of revenues estimated by the Government in its budget plan, Calviño looks “normal” there are different forecasts and “some uncertainty” on this issue, given that the Executive is going to introduce new taxes. “Our forecasts of revenue are wise”, has underlined the holder of Economy.

In the area of pensions, Calviño has reiterated that the Government will go up in 2019, according to the CPI, as has been done in 2018, as announced by the chief Executive, Pedro Sanchez. The Council of Ministers next Friday will be the rise in the minimum interprofessional wage (SMI) to 900 euros a month, as had also been announced already from Moncloa, as has been pointed out to the minister.

With “all the antennas are deployed”

Asked by the slowdown of the economy (the Government expects GDP to grow this year by 2.6%, and in 2019 in around a 2.2% or 2.3 per cent), Calviño has assured that he is “with all the antennas deployed” to see if in the future Spain will find a situation more complicated than expected so far.

In any case, he has insisted that it is “very difficult to predict”, since the major economic risks come from abroad (price of oil, the trade war between the united States and China, Brexit…).

“Are elements that are not under our control and can change from one day to another. What you need to do is to see each and every day the indicators (…). The main risk for the future is the foreign sector. If it slows the european economy, in Spain we will have less possibilities of exporting”, he said.

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