featuring the work of young people Walk in a book to be sent to other museums

Works of Barceló and Calvo are presented through the eyes of these children

“Of all and for all”, you feel Esther Garcia after presenting her collection of poems illustrated Modernity and memory, the book that summarizes the educational project that has united the work of contemporary artists such as Barceló and Carmen Calvo with the drawings of young people with disabilities.

Ainhoa, Sara, Esther, Estel de Llum and Daniel have presented their work at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante in which was this Friday, a party of creation, and the emotion in a pure state. It is the force that the members of the Association of children and youth with disabilities, Go, who have interpreted great works of the Collection Box Mediterranean in collages made with the inspiration of your look.

Accompanying his work are the poems of Javier Calabria, who again with these verses to collaborate with the center. And remember that everything was born with the idea of “creating poems from the works of the collection for a workshop with the kids of Walk.” The simplicity with which you approached this assignment differs greatly from his usual style but he acknowledges to have written happy because it has allowed him to “explore other worlds”.

Miquel Value, Rosa Castells, Dolores Padilla and José Luis Pérez Pont, with the edited book. FITO GONZALEZ

The institutional support has been key to showing the work done during the course of this book. The director of the Consorci de Museus Pérez Pont emphasises that this is possible thanks to the budget increase that has had its area of education. “When I arrived I was a few ten thousand euros, this year round a million. The objectives have to correspond with the purpose” budget. And with that, he says, “we have joined with enthusiasm to the educational proposals of the MACA, which are extraordinary because they serve the function of addressing different audiences and needs.”

The uniqueness of this collection, he says Pont, is that “it allows visualizing an entire sector of the population that is outside the focus of attention. By coming to this presentation, you are given the same relevance as any other act. I’ve left everything because this to me is most important.”

The current mayor of culture, Dolores Padilla, celebrated the work done by the team of the museum that shows the character “inclusive” of the centre. A space that you know your predecessor in the position, Miquel Value, who praised the evolution experienced by a program born six years ago. “We had the support to launch it and it is a joy to see you get this topic a lot better. The work of Rosa and the team shows that if things are made with love turn out well. And have been put to improve what is done”.

The satisfaction of that job well done and illuminating the faces of Rosa Castells and Esther Garcia. For the first, as head of the center, this “is the most exciting thing that can happen in a museum, to an audience as diverse as the one we had come, to be happy and to transmit the emotion that have made us feel all”. Garcia, as the coordinator of this program and the activities that are held during the week-end, defines it as “a dream fulfilled”. Everything is Maca is a program open to all, who builds a place of inclusion.

Presented around the activities of the international day of persons with disabilities, held on December 3, both underline that the work is done throughout the year. As shown in the 1,750 people who have gone through the center since 2012. “This is a way to give visibility to those who come throughout the year to see the collections, learn from them, and with those learnings, tell us stories,” says Garcia, “when you come to all these groups surprise us with something new because we are asked to tell their stories and make the library your space for creation”.

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