The prosecutors who investigate the plot Russian have accused Manafort of lying after they reached an agreement to cooperate in exchange for a reduced conviction

The former campaign manager of Trump agrees to plead guilty of fraud in the case of the weft Russian

Paul Manafort, a key piece in the chess prosecutor Robert Mueller

The political consultant Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager of the president of the united States, Donald Trump, held secret meetings with the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, at the embassy of Ecuador in London, said Tuesday the newspaper ‘The Guardian’.

Sources consulted by the british newspaper claim that Manafort traveled to the british capital to see Assange in 2013, 2015 and 2016, a period which became one of the key figures of the race of Trump to the White House.

WikiLeaks denied Tuesday through the Twitter social network this information, and he challenged ‘The Guardian’ to bet “a million dollars” that Manafort never met Assange, who remains a refugee in the embassy of Ecuador in London since 2012, when he was accused in Sweden of sexual assault.

Although the latter case was filed, Assange has continued to be detained at the legation, for fear that their output causes an extradition request from the USA, and his immediate detention.

A source in the british newspaper, without identifying states that Manafort was to see Assange in march of 2016, months before the WikiLeaks launched a series of emails from the u.s. Democratic Party stolen by officers of the intelligence Russian.

“it is Not clear why Manafort wanted to see Assange and what was discussed. But it is likely that the last meeting is under scrutiny and may be of interest to Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor who is investigating an alleged conspiracy between the campaign of Trump and Russia”, wrote ‘The Guardian’.

The prosecutors who investigate the plot Russian, to the orders of Mueller, was charged on Monday Manafort of lying to them after they reached an agreement with them to cooperate in exchange for a reduced conviction.

In a court document, prosecutors claimed that the “lies” of Manafort on “a variety of topics” are “violations of the agreement” that you reached two months ago, when the former campaign manager of Trump autodeclaró guilty of various financial crimes.

Mueller and his prosecutors are investigating the alleged interference of the Kremlin in the presidential elections of 2016, as well as the possible contacts between the members of the campaign for the Trump and Russian officials.

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