Was banned in the 60s as an anesthetic because of its strong side effects

Can Misses, he entered this season, an average of one patient due to drug use every 5 hours

The dangerous drug Angel Dust has returned to the island of Ibiza after two decades of absence. Your presence has been a surprise to practitioners in the public hospital in Can Misses, which have reported to the Ministry of Health, following the protocol. It is of two cases, the only reported this year in our country.

The first patient was a woman 32 years of age, was admitted at the end of June, and the other, a man of 24 years in the month of August. Both cases were submitted and confirmed by the laboratory of son Espases, Mallorca, after its detection in Ibiza.

The Angel Dust, known medically as phencyclidine (PCP), was developed in the 50’s as an intravenous anesthetic, but due to their major side effects -with strong hallucinations and delusions – suspended its medical use human at the end of about ten years.

Its use as an anesthetic veterinarian continues, but employment as a substance of abuse illegal, is widespread in the united States during the years 60, which is the time the use was discontinued for humans because of its adverse effects once recovered from this anesthesia. Your input on the black market is estimated at around 1975. Precisely, between 70 and 80 it is believed that he landed in the island of the hand of the hippie movement.

it Is usually present as a crystalline powder whitish, which dissolves in water or alcohol, with a bitter taste characteristic, but also is inhaled, smoked and injected. Other ways to present it in tablets, tablets, capsules, or liquid.

When it is marketed illegally as a drug, usually contain a large amount of contaminants that cause the color to vary from a light brown to a darker brown, with a consistency of doughy to crumbly, as reported by the portal psicoactiva.com.

Its effects arise on the five minutes of being consumed, reaching its peak at thirty. These are of euphoria, withdrawal, feeling of speed and tingling in the extremities, reports the web sobredrogas.net.

In some cases people may suffer under the illusion that they are celebrities or dignitaries; and all of a sudden can feel overwhelmingly scared of death.

The Emergency Service of the Hospital Can Misses, gets this tourist season, from may to October, 612 cases linked with the consumption of drugs. Although elevated to the 837 if you add up the patients who were admitted for another reason and then found drugs in their analysis.

This figure represents an average of between four and five cases per day, or one case every five hours throughout the season.

More than 70% are male with an average age of 31 years, compared to the average age of the women, which is somewhat lower, 30,5 years.

The alcohol has accompanied the consumption of narcotic drugs in more than half of the patients. It is also striking that almost one of every four hospitalized had ingested three or more drugs. The only fatality was a boy of 48 years old, of Spanish nationality, in the month of July.

According to the criteria of

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