The product subtracted by the network had an approximate value exceeding 500,000 euros

Until the time have been clarified to nine thefts committed by this organization

The Guardia Civil and the National Police, in a joint operation at the national level, have arrested 27 members of a criminal organization dedicated to theft of trucks of great tonnage to distribute and sell your merchandise, its merchandise and has been setting out nine robberies committed, taking the product subtracted an approximate value exceeding € 500,000.

The group, as reported by both security bodies in a joint statement, acted in the towns in the province of cádiz Jerez de la Frontera and El Puerto de Santa María, in Lebrija (Seville), Madrid, spain, Alaquas and Gandia, in Valencia, and Albacete.

The investigation started at the end of the past 2017 when the agents identified a group of people who would have committed the theft of a truck and its trailer, which contained 20,000 litres of olive oil and was fully recovered empty days later in a residential neighborhood in the town of Carmona (Seville).

Subsequently produced two other criminal acts committed with the same modus operandi in the town of Jerez de la Frontera and recovered in the town of Carmona, where the perpetrators stole a tractor truck and semi-trailer attached, which carried by a container transporting 540 gas grills, and another assault where the perpetrators stole a container with destination to Pakistan that contained approximately 16,000 litres of olive oil packaged and labelled in English and with Arabic characters.

With this information we established a research team conjuntode the Civil Guard and National Police, aimed to identify the perpetrators and stop the members of the network who were based in the provinces of Seville and Madrid.

After several efforts, we were locating each one of the members and by assigning to each component the role it played in the organization, as well as addresses, vehicles they used, the contacts that they used to put the stolen merchandise, and ultimately its entire structure.

in Addition, thanks to various investigations recovered six vehicles with their corresponding load when it had just been stolen.

Three phases

The operation of the operation Barbequiu has been carried out in three stages, proceeding in the first of them, to the arrest of 17 people and the research of other three, who were in prison, in the provinces of Madrid and Seville, with a total of 15 entries and records and proceeding to the seizure of numerous effects from theft, a gun detonadora modified to shoot live ammunition, a pistol-pen, different cartuchería metal, 117 mobile phones, tools for the break-up and forcing of vehicles, a vehicle of high range, 28.500 euros in cash, an inhibitor of frequency, as well as a kilo approximately of amphetamine and items for your cutting and packaging and 69 marijuana plants.

The realization of the second phase of the operation resulted in the arrest of three persons and there were two records where they seized 34 mobile phones, tools for the break-up and forcing, tools, and utensils to make copies of keys, three inhibitors of frequency, for a taser to perform electric shock, with a gun numbering deleted, a revolver with the numbering erased and numerous cartuchería metal.

The last day 23 October, proceeded to the exploitation of the third and final phase of the operation that took the statement as detainees of the last two encartados by these facts.

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