Brigitte Macron was indignant on Tuesday at the “cowardice” of the perpetrators of the aggression the day before her grand-nephew on the sidelines of an undeclared demonstration against the pension reform, voices on the left and on the right worrying of the violence of the political debate.

From Reyjkavik, Emmanuel Macron denounced “unbearable and unspeakable acts”. “Violence has no place in a democracy… No form of violence is justified,” he said.

Jean-Baptiste Trogneux, 30, owner of the famous chocolate factory of the same name “had the courage to face the cowardice, the stupidity and the violence of a group that I leave to justice to qualify”, declared the president’s wife, in a message sent to AFP, saying “in total solidarity” with his family.

Monday, in downtown Amiens, shortly after an interview with Emmanuel Macron at 8:00 p.m. on TF1, the first lady’s grand-nephew who was returning to his home, located above the family chocolate factory, was taken to party by several people who participated in a “casserolade”, told AFP the father of the victim, Jean-Alexandre Trogneux.

As they “started to pound on the doors and on the windows” of the store, “they recognized my son” and “the blows started to rain”, he described, very experienced.

Jean-Baptiste “has one or two broken ribs, on the brain scan there is a hematoma which we hope will remain benign, he has three sprained fingers”, he detailed at the start of the evening, specifying that his son was returns home.

Eight people were arrested, still in custody on Tuesday, according to a police source. The Amiens public prosecutor’s office made no communication on the case.

The city’s security assistant, Hubert de Jeanlis, denounced to AFP the action “of a handful of agitated people from the jar”, and the now regular organization of undeclared demonstrations.

He said that the chocolate factory was subject to police surveillance at each demonstration, and video surveillance now “transferred to the national police”.

“We may not agree, angry, we don’t take it out on the president, we don’t take it out on the family, on people physically!”, Was indignant Tuesday evening in front of the Williams chocolate factory Lefevre, 61, yet “not at all agree” with the head of state.

Jean-Alexandre Trogneux denounces him an aggression in the form of a “high point” of a series of “amalgams”, invectives, and threats against the brand, founded by the great-grandfather of Brigitte Macron. And this despite the absence of “any financial link” between the chocolate factory and the presidential couple.

The attack sparked a flurry of political reactions.

“No to violence and terror,” tweeted Republican boss Eric Ciotti, calling for “relentless” punishment against the perpetrators.

“I am horrified”. “This type of action must be punished very severely by the courts,” added Marine Le Pen.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon also condemned, while addressing a criticism to the Head of State. “Commentators indifferent to the attempted murders and racist attacks against rebels summon me to speak out on the attack in Amiens against the chocolatier Trogneux. I express my sympathy to him and join my protest to his. I ask Macron and Madame to do the same for our friends attacked or threatened without reserving their concern only for Zemmour when he was molested”, he tweeted.

“This act is intolerable and must be condemned without nuance. It is terrible and absolutely stupid. Violence against anyone is unacceptable”, also tweeted Laurent Berger, number one of the CFDT.

The attack came as the debate on violence against elected officials and their families has been reignited since the resignation last week of the mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire-Atlantique), Yannick Morez, whose home was the target of arson.

The town councilor had been under pressure for weeks from far-right groups opposed to the relocation of a reception center for asylum seekers near a school in the town.

Since the promulgation of the pension reform in mid-April, adopted with forceps, pot concerts, even sparse ones, have been organized almost every time Emmanuel Macron, the head of government or a minister travels, but also during the televised speeches of the Head of State who does not see in it “a formidable democratic sign”.


05/16/2023 21:43:28 – Amiens (AFP) – © 2023 AFP