After riots in Chemnitz, General Prosecutor’s office in Dresden determines 120 cases. That’s what a spokesman for prosecutor said to mirror. Among or things, it is about land invasion, assault and insult. Six people were identified to have shown Hitler salute. An expedited procedure was requested against three persons.

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In how many cases are determined against showing Hitler greeting in total, speaker could not say according to The Mirror. The investigation process would always be under title of most serious offense, such as trespassing, he said.

The Prosecutor General is also investigating several officials for publication of a warrant. The Dresden judicial officer Daniel Z. Had already said that he had published document and was suspended from service. Or people are suspected of having known about leak. It is currently assumed that “communication came from Z.”, Ministry of Justice shared time online.

More demos and concerts on Friday

After violent death of a 35-year-old in Chemnitz, re had been several demonstrations organized by right-wing radical groups with thousands of participants. A Syrian and an Iraqi sit in custody, after a third suspects is still gefahndet. The demonstrations through city centre led to racist attacks and hunting-like scenes, and journalists were also attacked. Right-wing radicals and racist slogans fell, some demonstrators showed forbidden Hitler salute. In view of incidents, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to visit Chemnitz. There is no specific date yet.

For Friday evening, right movement Pro Chemnitz, which had also organized previous marches, has called for anor demonstration at Karl Marx Monument. To this end, organiser registered around a thousand participants, shared city administration. At same time, Chemnitzer aters invite a free concert under motto “Culture for openness and diversity” just a few hundred metres away. Musicians from Chemnitz Opera and or institutions will play Beethoven.