Facebook and Twitter have acknowledged inadequately to have been prepared for alleged attempts by Russian influence on US presidential elections 2016. “We were too slow to notice this, and have acted too slowly,” said Facebook boss Sheryl Sandberg in front of intelligence committee in U.S. Senate. Even Twitter boss Jack Dorsey said that y had been “unprepared and poorly equipped”.

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Both secured steps to get problem under control. Twitter identifies eight to ten million suspicious accounts every week, Dorsey said. Sandberg pointed out that Facebook has recently doubled number of employees in security area. It is also targeted against false news and hatred. “We deleted hundreds of pages and user accounts, Dieunglaubwürdig worked.”

For years, Russia has been accused of wanting to manipulate public opinion in United States via social media such as Facebook and Twitter. US intelligence agencies are convinced that Russia has taken influence over 2016 presidential campaign. In United States, research by special investigator Robert Mueller, called “Witch hunt” by US president Donald Trump, is also underway. The Russian government has repeatedly rejected accusations.

Dorsey negates political manipulation

The hearing also raised alleged manipulation of public debate in US through social networks. The US president and or Republicans had last claimed that conservative voices would be disadvantaged by platforms. “Google and Twitter and Facebook – y really go on very, very difficult terrain, and y have to be on guard,” Trump had warned.

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Dorsey said before Senate, Twitter is not based on a “political ideology”. Both in ranking of content and in application of rules governing use of Twitter, re is a need for political neutrality. “We firmly believe in being impartial, and we strive to apply our rules impartially.”

Republican Senator Richard Burr was dissatisfied after hearing. Crucial problems had not been overcome, said Burr, who chairs Senate Intelligence Committee. Neir Twitter nor Facebook, nor Google would have been convincingly concerned with denRisiken and threats to national security.

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In addition to Sandberg and Dorsey, a board member from Google was also invited to hearing. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, had knocked out DieEinladung of Senate. His place remained empty.