The incidences of theft and burglary in the UK have always been of concern to all business owners, especially for those who operate at night or 24 hours or a day and for those who run their business in a less-than-savoury area. As a business owner, you may be thinking of how you can enhance the security of your office or business premises, but you want to be sure that your efforts aren’t in vain. You have to make sure you have the right security efforts and measures. You want full protection for your business against any types of intruders and criminals, after all. Here’s how you can adequately protect your business against criminals, vandals, and intruders.  

The most common security measures

There are many common security measures of which you can take advantage, and they have all proven their worth. The following are a few:

· Make sure all your access or entry points are secure. Your doors should all be strengthened and fitted with updated locks, and your windows should all have locks as well. If you have shutters, make sure they are strong, and install barriers whenever necessary.

· You should also take measures to secure your property perimeter. Gates should be strong and durable, and if you have fencing, make sure that it cannot be easily damaged or broken. If you want, you can also apply measures to discourage intruders and criminals from climbing your perimeter walls, such as electric fencing. If you are installing such measures, however, it’s essential to install signs which indicate that they are there as well.

· You should also control access to your building by making sure you have a record of employees and staff who have passes or keys. Also, record the names of visitors (you can give visitors passes and ensure that they return them when they leave).

· Lighting is also another essential consideration; ensure that you have appropriate and ample lighting for particular areas, especially areas which are far from your central premises. You also have the option to install lighting with sensors that can detect movement, especially at night.

· Any business worth its salt nowadays would also make sure to have CCTV systems and alarm systems which can alert anyone of the presence of an intruder.

· You may also choose to hire a mobile security patrol officer (such as an officer from Oxford security services like Securipol Ltd) who can inspect your business premises at specific times and serve as visible and obvious deterrents as well.

· If you have expensive equipment in your premises, you can also secure this by making use of tags and recording the details of the equipment along with their serial numbers. If you have devices left in the office at different times, such as tablets and laptops, you can secure them to bigger equipment such as tables to avoid theft by sticky-fingered visitors or even employees.

· If you have stock in your office, you can protect it by having regular checks on the levels of inventory.


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