Even with modern cruise ships, heavy fuel is still used as fuel. This is result of German Nature Conservation Association (NABU). In particular, major suppliers, MSC Cruises, Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean, rely on “dirtiest of all fuels”.

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According to its own specifications, Nabu checked 76 cruise ships, including nine, which will be launched only this year. Almost all of m are fueled by heavy oil. The exception is a new construction of Aida, Aida Nova, which is first cruise ship in world to be operated with liquefied petroleum gas, a significantly less polluting fuel. This will in particular improve air quality for residents in port cities and near coast, Nabu shared.

Nabu managing director Leif Miller described it as a scandal that environmental protection does not play a role in industry. Miller and his organization are calling for “no-go bans on dirty cruise ships,” as y are in Norway in some fjords, for example. This is only way to be able to control danger to health of local residents and sensitive ecosystems in short term.

Criticism of shipowners

In this context, however, Nabu accused shipowners of evading responsibility. This also applies to German suppliers Hapag-Lloyd Cruises and TUI Cruises, who, while in new buildings, now use nitrogen oxide catalysts or purchase electricity from country during a port stop. A particulate filter to reduce particularly harmful soot particles, however, is also not available in se vessels.

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The use of liquefied petroleum gas as in case of Aida Nova, Nabu, although commendable, a “salvation Bringer for shipping” is this fuel – after all, also a fossil – but not. Rar, industry must initiate a “massive technological change” and use fuels that not only DieLuftschadstoffe, but also significantly reduce CO2 emissions.