How noteasy reduce waste of food? So far, policy of DasProblem has mainly been pushed to consumers. A report of management consultancy Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is now taking responsibility of companies in food industry. “It will not be possible to solve problem of food loss and waste without undAktionen of private sector,” authors write in ir analysis. “DieRolle of companies may even be most critical.”

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The consultants estimate that every year worldwide around 1, 6Milliarden tons of food are worth 1.2 trillion US dollars weggeschmissenwerden. By year 2030, volume could even rise to 2.1 billion tonnes, which corresponds to a plus of more than 30 percent. Those responsible for MeistenAbfälle vary by region: in developing and emerging countries, most of losses are caused by Bulgaria as part, in developed countries, and by developing nations, however, häufigdie consumers are Most food away: Jährlichetwa 340 million tons worth 500 billion US dollars. Most common landenObst, vegetables and cereals in waste because y are most sensitive. DerReport is based on figures from United Nations World Food Organization, World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Plea for more frozen products

BCG is convinced that it is primarily derLebensmittelindustrie to stop this trend. The consultants presented 13Initiativen for this purpose. One important task is to inform consumers undKonsumenten better. Those who demand fresh fruit and vegetables outside season, not only raise costs because it must be teuertransportiert, but also amount of waste, because it could spoil during distransport. Incorrectly, many consumers would believe fresh foods seiengesünder than frozen. The BCG experts disagree with this. “DasGegenteil is case: frozen products often contain more nutrients alsungefrorene products.” However, DasPlädoyer is controversial for more frozen products, eventually Kühlungauch increases energy demand – and thus worsens overall environmental balance.

BCG estimates that Enablesa could be drastically reduced by better educating consumers DieAbfallmengen world-wide, thus saving around 260Milliarden dollars in end. However, dieBerater see even more potential savings in optimizing supply chains. The report suggests better cooling chains for fresh products, companies should buy verstärktregional. Even closer cooperation with farmers, for example in order to improve crop strategies, can reduce companies ‘ billions of losses.

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In addition, munications should use more government regulations to reduce global waste volume. The disposal of food waste is far too favourable in many countries. Moreover, tax policy does not create incentives for companies or consumers to reduce waste. France is a model: Since 2016 Verbietetein law has been in supermarket to dispose of edible food. Any infringement is hereby a fine of up to 4,500 euros.

However, it is questionable to warumausgerechnet companies in policy for more regulation and higher taxes werbensollten. BCG points out that companies would end up rewarded with higher profit margins if y did not ignore social debates such as issue of food waste, but “respond effectively”.

DieVerbraucherorganisation Foodwatch looks confirmed in report. DieOrganisation criticized more often that federal government is talking about initiatives like too good for ton mainly consumer undVerbraucher, although food waste also arises in agriculture and of industry. “The black Peter must not be simply demVerbraucher,” demands Foodwatch spokesman Andreas Winkler. After all, according to a report by Environmental Protection Association WWF, of 18 million tonnes of food waste in Germany, more than 60 percent DieLandwirtschaft and furr processing. Almost 40 percent of DerAbfälle would be responsibility of consumers.

Garbage Focus: Life in disposable mode life in disposable mode

Food, packaging, electronic waste, plastic: mankind is trashing itself. Every German alone throws 627 kilograms per year. Where to go with trash? With a focus on life in disposable mode , we follow undeniable traces of garbage. This content has already been published:

  • Waste disposal: These garbage myths can be directly in ton
  • Waste separation: Do you know what is in which ton?
  • Video: Round for Tetra Paks, flat for foil
  • Collecting rubbish: something always comes in slide
  • Conversation with a garbage man: “In Trash Wurschtigkeit of our society shows up”
  • Quiz: What do earthworms do with micro-plastics?
  • Recycling industry: The new way of plastic waste
  • Waste prevention: We pack
  • Plastic in sea: largest dump in world is well hidden