Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani announces ceasefire with Taliban for at least three months, Afghan head of state wants a ceasefire with radical Islamic Taliban. Several Taliban leaders are said to have agreed to ceasefire. © PHOTO: Parwiz/Reuters

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has announced a ceasefire with radical Islamic Taliban despite recent fierce battles around city of Ghasni. “The subject truce begins tomorrow and will last as long as Taliban preserve and respect him,” he said on Sunday on occasion of celebrations for 99 anniversary of country’s independence. The first is to take fire break during feast of victims up to and including Tuesday. Afterwards, according to Ghani, he hopes for an extension until 20th of November, which is considered day of birth of Prophet Mohammed.

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The US praised initiative of Afghan president. “The recent ceasefire in Afghanistan has shown Afghan people’s deep desire to end conflict,” said US secretary of State Mike Pompeo, urging Taliban to participate. The international community hopes that Afghan people can celebrate Eid al-Adha festival “in peace, free of fear” this year.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also wrote that he encouraged Taliban to respect ceasefire and to demonstrate ir “concern for Afghans.” The Pakistani government, which is repeatedly accused of offering a safe retreat to Talibanspitze, praised announcement, which was linked to a similar initiative last June. At that time, Taliban accepted a three-day ceasefire to feast of fast-breaking, but rejected a later extension proposed by President Ghani.

Taliban should have hijacked three buses

Officially, Taliban did not respond now. However, this morning in norrn Afghan province of Kunduz, y were to have abducted more than 100 inmates of three cross-country buses. According to provincial council, buses in district of Chanabad were forced to stop at 07.30 am on a road to halt and from re to a nearby village. Currently, units of Afghan army are on ir way re, said district chief of Khanabad, Hajatullah Amiri. The buses were on ir way to capital city of Kabul.

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Again and again, Taliban fighters set up checkpoints on highways and search cars and buses for government employees, policemen and soldiers. For several years, insurgents have been strong. They have conquered several districts since withdrawal of majority of foreign forces in year 2014, almost every day re are attacks on policemen and soldiers. According to United Nations, more than 1,600 civilians were killed in self-bombingsing and fighting between extremists and Afghan soldiers in first half of year alone.

No peace under “foreign occupation”

Lastly, re were fierce battles between Taliban and Afghan army around city of Ghasni. Over several days, soldiers tried to expel extremists from city center, y were supported by US Air Force and so-called military advisers of US Army. The Taliban were eventually expelled from city. At least 100 Afghan forces and 35 civilians were killed.

The leader of Afghan Taliban, Haibatullah Achundsada, had announced that re would be no peace in country as long as “foreign occupation” persists – a allusion to US-led troops in country. He also reaffirmed his group’s position that 17-year war could only be ended by direct talks with United States.