According to party leader Andrea Nahles, SPD is determined to implement a so-called lane change and to enable rejected or tolerated asylum seekers to lead way into German labour market. “I’m explicitly believes that at moment wrong people are being deported, namely well-integrated people who are inworking in training,” said Nahles at ZDF. “And we should give m anopportunity.”

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The change of track is about giving rejected asylum seekers eineBleibeperspektive when y are integrated and have a job. Especially in economy, it is often criticized that asylum seekers are trained and well integrated, and n deported. This is counterproductive in view of shortage of skilled workers.

Would a lane change be an incentive to escape?

Schleswig-Holstein’s prime Minister, Daniel Günr (CDU), had recently proposed that asylum seekers should be allowed a change of track from asylum to immigration, if y are well integrated and qualified, speak German and Work. In CSU, and predominantly CDU, he thus finds rejection because y fear that such an arrangement will provide an additional incentive to flee to Germany. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) have already spoken out against this.

Like union, employers ‘ association of total metal fears that discussion on a working perspective for tolerated asylum seekers could jeopardise professional immigration law as a whole. “If we were to allow a rejected asylum seeker to remain with us on back door of Skilled labour Immigration Act in future, it would appear that it does not matter wher or not an asylum seeker is rejected,” said General manager Oliver Zander of Augsburger Allgemeines.

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Despite union’s concerns, SPD, Greens and FDP are in favour of a change of track. The SPD has now proposed a deadline regulation in order to avoid escape incentives. For those who have already been tolerated in Germany, aim is refore to relax, not for future asylum seekers. The integration Commissioner of federal government, Annette Widmann-Mauz (CDU), is also in charge of deadline regulation. “No one would understand that we are recruiting professionals abroad and that people who already work in country as skilled workers or have a job and are integrated will be sent home again,” she said to ZDF.

According to Vice-chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), too, would be a so-called lane change in sense of German economy.  “We are talking about refugees who have been living with us for a long time and are well integrated. The good German can have work. Chefs and colleagues often want to keep m in company. We should allow that, “said Scholz picture on Sunday. The Union’s objection that more asylum-seekers would be lured to Germany by a stay perspective was not wrong per se, but did not take into consideration that asylum procedures in Germany still lasted far too long, said Scholz. A change of track is only in question for SPD in a long process period: “We need faster and more effective procedures. That helps. Those who are rejected within a few months can and should leave country again. “

Special arrangements for apprentices already exist

Minister of Labour Hubertus Heil (SPD) was confident in ZDF to find a settlement with union. In cornerstones of Ministry of Interior for an immigration law, it should be noted that potential of refugees should be exploited. “We will discuss design with each or.” Salvation was particularly related to apprentices. For se, re is so far a derogation which allows m to stay for a total of five years: for three years of training and two years of follow-up employment.

Although Ministry of Interior supported Seehofer’s rejection of a change from asylum to immigration law. However, his state secretary Stephan Mayer (CSU) was open-minded for changes to 3 2 rule: “I consider furr relaxation for worth considering in view of shortage of skilled workers in nursing sector,” he told new press in Passau.