As a result of ongoing drought, eight federal States reported damage in amount Voninsgesamt nearly three billion euros. This is reported by NeueOsnabrücker Zeitung, citing Zahlenaus ministries of agriculture.

Largest EDIFACT, Lower Saxony reported a total of 980 million euros. The amount is composed of estimates DerLandwirtschaftskammern in Lower Saxony and from fixed Schädenbei already harvested crops. The losses in wheat alone are estimated at 136 million euros. In case of pastures that supply feed base for farm animals wieMilchkühe, damage is estimated at 190 million euros.

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In or federal states, too, re was a loss of millions in amount of drought. In past few days Mecklenburg-Vorpommern DerBundesregierung had reported 531 million euro losses, Schleswig-Holstein 422 million euro. In Saxony drought damage is at 308 million, in Brandenburg near 260Millionen and in Rhineland-Palatinate at 180 million euros. Thüringenund The Saarland must have a loss of 150 million and 5, 3Millionen euros.

Farmers Association calls for aid

“Dasderzeitige damage picture of only eight federal states confirmed UnsereBefürchtungen,” said Farmer’s Association president Joachim Rukwiedder Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung. Due to enormous damage, several companies inExistenznot. “That is why we are calling on federal states and Confederation to explain emergency situation and to launch a programme of aid for farmers,” Rukwied said.

FürHilfsmaßnahmen in extreme wear events are actually dieLänder responsible, in case of events of national magnitude to Confederation can participate. Farmers ‘ Association president Rukwiedhatte demanded a billion euros in emergency aid. DasBundesfinanzministerium, however, rejects this according to information of mirror. Thus, maybe would compensate for drought of rising prices for agricultural products, some of losses. DasMinisterium will orient itself to volume of last AIDS of both drought 2003. At that time donated confederation and countries equal share 72 million euros.

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AmDonnerstagabend, Länder had reported furr figures to Berlin – this is supposed to be particularly BetroffeneBetriebe, which are probably most likely to be with financial Unterstützungrechnen. Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner (CDU) had recently shown himself with financial support nochzurückhaltend. “A national distress does not call for emotion,” she said.

Next week she wants to present Cabinet with a drought record. Thereafter, announcement of MöglichenHilfsmaßnahmen is expected. At same time farmer’s Association wants to present its own figures for harvest.