An Australian student from Melbourne is said to have penetrated several times in Apple’s secured computer network for over a year. The n 16-year-old had downloaded 90 gigabytes of encrypted data and customer profiles, reports The Australian newspaper The Age. He is now standing in front of a juvenile court. His lawyer said that teenager is a big fan of company and dreams of working for m once.

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When Apple finally noticed access, group alerted report to FBI, which turned on Australian police. This one had two laptops, a cell phone and a hard drive confiscated, it was said. According to media reports, investigators found a folder on his computer called “hacky hack hack”, in which he saved stolen files and hack instructions. The youth was able to see so-called “authorized keys”, writes age. These allow users to log in and are considered to be very secure. Apple said that no customer data was affected.

The disciple should have confessed deed. With verdict, court wants to take time by next month.