The US space agency Nasa has postponed launch of Parker probe. The stop was arranged because a problem with helium pressure occurred a few minutes before countdown, NASA shared. The next attempt to launch launcher is scheduled for Sunday, 09.31 PM CEST.

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The unmanned probe should approach sun’s surface to just under 6.2 million kilometers and withstand temperatures of around 1,370 degrees Celsius. The space vehicle of size of a car will fly through corona a total of 24 times during its seven-year solar expedition, as astronomers call atmosphere of our central star.

Irregularity occurred during last minutes of countdown, NASA shared it on Saturday via Twitter. She wants to make a new attempt at Cape Canaveral space Station in U.S. state of Florida in next 24 hours.

A hold was called due to an anomaly seen during final minutes of countdown. The launch has been scrubbed today due to exhausting launch window. We are setting up for a 24-hour recycle. SolarProbe

— NASA_LSP (@NASA_LSP) August 11, 2018

During its seven-year expedition, spacecraft of size of a car will fly 24 times through so-called Corona, as astronomers call sun atmosphere. Among or things, probe should answer question of why corona has temperatures of up to 5.6 million degrees Celsius, while sun’s surface is 5,500 degrees hot.

In addition, spacecraft named after 91-year-old astrophysicist Eugene Parker could in future help predict space wear and so-called solar storms. In such cosmic wear events, charged particles are hurled from sun into space, which can trigger geomagnetic storms on Earth 150 million kilometers away.

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A Delta IV heavy missile is designed to take Parker Solar sample on track. The probe could n speed up to 692,000 kilometers per hour during your passing flights in sun. This made m fastest-ever human-created object.