Zimbabwe’s opposition is legally opposed to election victory of President Emmerson Mnangagwa. The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) appealed to Constitutional Court against result. The MDC calls for a reelection or a declaration that ir candidate, Nelson Chamisa, won election.

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An MDC delegation brought relevant documents to courthouse in capital of Harare. ” We will only rest when this country is free, “said former member Jameson Timba. Chamisa had already announced a week ago to contest election results.

The Electoral Commission declared president Mnangagwa to be election winner with 50.8 percent of vote. His challenger Chamisa thus reached 44.3 percent. At same time, ruling party Zanu-PF took absolute majority. The Constitutional Court must now decide on case within 14 days. This also delays swearing of President Mnangagwa, which was supposed to take place on Sunday.

It was first choice in Zimbabwe after long-standing President Robert Mugabe resigned in November following a military coup. EU election observers had designated election as free but not fair. The government has been able to resort to state media and funds.

The government accuses several oppositionists of having called for violent protests after election. The MDC politician Tendai Biti was accused of inciting violence on Thursday. Biti had previously fled to Zambia, but country had rejected his asylum application. In a demonstration against election result, six people were killed in capital Harare on 1 August, when security forces shot into crowd.