Dierumänische police have taken investigations into anti-Semitic slogans at Geburtshausdes deceased Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiese. In night to Friday, anti-Semitic comments had been scribbled in neon pink. Among or things, it was read that Weasel was “in Hell with Hitler”. The authorities would quickly remove m.

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DasHaus of Holocaust survivor in city of Sighetu Marmației in northwestern Romania is a geschützteshistorisches monument.

Elie Wiesel and his family had been deported to Auschwitz concentration camp in May 1944 toger with 14,000 Jews from his hometown. Weasel’s mor and his younger sister died re, Weasels and his two older sisters survived.

The writer died 2016 at age of 87 years in New York; He was moved to United States in 1960s and became an American citizen. His book DieNacht is based on his experiences in extermination camps Auschwitzund Buchenwald. It tells of Nazi crimes. 1986 received weasels Nobel Peace Prize for his exemplary fight against racism and violence.

profanation antisémite de la maison natale d ‘ ElieWiesel en Roumanie. Il fut deported à Auschwitz en 1944 à 15 ans et survécut, produisant 1 immense oeuvre littéraire et obtenant le prix Nobel de la paix. Il fut et demeure haï et sali par les négationnistes et antisémites Pic.twitter.com/BYW1CxQNaF

— Memorial 98 (@ 98Memorial) August 4, 2018

Dierumänische Group for observation and fight against antisemitism described graffiti as an act of vandalism against “Memory VonElie Weasel, memory of Holocaust victims and souls of Holocaust survivors”. The Elie Wiesel Nationalinstitutfür studies of Holocaust in Romania demanded a thorough investigation. President Klaus Iohannis and government promised to fight against antisemitism and denial of Holocaust.

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During Second World War, Romania deported 150,000 Jews and 25,000 Roma Innazi concentration camps. The country was ruled by DemNazi supporters and dictator Ion Antonescu in early 1940s.