Are you someone who has suffered from damage of property or some kind of personal injury resulting from a car accident? If answered yes, you must be thinking whether or not seeking help of an attorney can help you or whether it is better to deal with the claim on your own with the insurance company. Well, all these decisions will actually depend on the complexity and the kind of case you’re involved in.

A car accident will bring a string of questions. Who will pay for the damage caused to the car? Who is the person at fault? Who is going to pay for the soaring medical expenses? Will you be given compensation for the suffering and pain? Will the insurance company reimburse you for the lost wages? All this can be dealt with by a car accident lawyer who can negotiate through the confusing and chaotic world of settlements of insurance claim.

What can a general lawyer do?

If you’re confused about whether to do it DIY or to seek professional assistance, check out what a general accident lawyer would do.

·         He would get in touch with the insurer of the other driver

·         He would attain the required license regarding liability

·         He would get in touch with the victim’s health care providers to get all those records that are missing

·         He would organize medical bills and records

·         He would work with the doctors to ensure they offer medical details which you need to prove the damages that have been caused in your claim

·         He presents all the evidences to prove damages and liability

·         He would negotiate with the lien holders on the claim to reduce the amount on the liens

·         He would negotiate a noteworthy settlement with the adjuster of the insurance policy or with the defense attorney

Communicates with the insurer of the other driver

In case of any personal injury case, the lawyer is supposed to initiate a conversation with the insurer of the opponent party that is involved in the accident. As the pocketbook is with the insurance adjuster, it is vital for the lawyer of the plaintiff to possess perfect skills of communication so that he could nurture a good relation with the adjuster.

Gather evidences of the damage caused

This is where it is vital to seek assistance of a good lawyer, particularly when you’ve gone through noteworthy injuries with relation to the car accident. In order to win a case, the lawyer has to be careful about gathering all sorts of documents with relation to the injuries but it is not easy to find out such records from the health care companies. Since the record is totally yours, you have the entire right to ask for them and the health care provider is also bound to give them to you.

Therefore, if you’ve recently involved in a car accident, make sure you get help of a lawyer who can help you with all the above listed aspects.