The UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura wants to discuss preparation of a new constitution for Civil War country at a meeting with representatives of Russia, Iran and Turkey at beginning of September. De Mistura told him that he had held talks with representatives of three States in south Russian Sochi. Negotiations are currently taking place in Black Sea city on a possible solution to Syrian conflict.

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The formation of a constitutional committee, to which representatives of Syrian government and opposition should belong, was decided in January at a meeting in Sochi. De Mistura also met in Geneva in June of Moscow, Tehran and Ankara to speak about formation of Committee, but at that time only names of 50 government candidates were available to him. The opposition sent him a list of 50 own candidates in July.

The Special Envoy described drafting of a new constitution as a “key element” to end of years of civil war, through which more than 350,000 people have died since 2011. Political talks in Geneva under mediation of de Misturas have not yet made any progress. In parallel, since beginning of 2017 talks in Kazakh Astana between Russia, Turkey and Iran have been running on steps to deescalate conflict.

The talks that have been underway since Monday in Sochi are about constitution, release of prisoners and situation in deescalation zones. Turkey as a supporter of rebels and Russia and Iran as allies of Syrian government had agreed last year establishment of four zones in which a ceasefire should apply, but government has now conquered territories in Ostghuta, Daraa and Homs back.