According to a report, public broadcasters were attacked by Russian hackers. According to information from security circles, IT networks of ZDF and WDR were attacked by Sandworm group at beginning of June, reports Spiegel. Although attack was detected early, data may be drained. The WDR did not want to comment on this for “safety reasons”. ZDF confirmed attack. Less than ten computers were affected, no data were drained.

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The Federal Office for Protection of Constitution had reported attacks on German media companies in its recent cyber-letter. There was also talk of attacks against “organizations in field of chemical weapons research”. According to safety circuits, Spiez laboratory could have been affected, Swiss specialist centre for protection against ABC attacks.

Hacker group of Russian military intelligence

The Institute was also involved in analysis in case of Skripal with nerve Venom Nowitschok. The Spiez laboratory announced that it was aware of an attack in which a document was used for a laboratory-organized workshop for a hack. The institute itself, however, had not become victim of an attack.

Sandworm is supposed to be a hacker group of Russian military intelligence GRU specializing in sabotage actions. The FBI’s federal police are assuming that unit is behind it, which is also responsible for hack on US Democrats.

German authorities, on or hand, assume that Sandworm is controlled by anor GRU unit. In case of television stations concerned, general Attorney wants to commission North Rhine-Westphalian state Criminal Police Office with investigations.