Twitter has lost a million users in past three months. After short news was announced, share fell by 16 percent. The number of monthly active users worldwide had fallen from Aprilbis at end of June to 335 million. Analysts had reckoned with a slight increase in user numbers, so surprise of publication of figures was accordingly great.

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Turnoverand company did but rose by 24 percent to 711Millionen dollars, Twitter shared. The profit was 100 million dollars. In same period of previous year, Twitter had made a loss of 116Millionen dollars.

Twitter-ChefJack Dorsey explained decline in number of users, including European data Protection basic regulation. It entered into force at end of May and made company specifications for data storage. This gives customers more opportunities to tackle abuse. Besides, Twitter is increasingly deleting fake profiles.

AmVortag already lost share of competitor Facebook strongly after company had announced that number of users would grow less quickly in future.