Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited his US colleague Donald Trump to Moscow. They are both ready for anor peak meeting, said Putin on Friday in Johannesburg on verge of meeting so-called BRICS states. However, conditions would have to be correct.

Putin said at conference of emerging countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, telephone calls between Moscow and Washington alone were not enough. Both sides would have to come toger for talks on, for example, nuclear contract with Iran, conflict in Middle East and arms control issues. Trump expressed wish for furr meetings. “We are ready to meet such. We are ready to invite President Trump to Moscow. ” He already said Trump. He himself, however, is also willing to travel to Washington, added Putin. But right working conditions must also prevail.

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The US president shared that Trump is looking forward to Putin’s visit to Washington. He himself wants to travel to Moscow as soon as he has a formal invitation to do so. Trump and Putin had met at ir first summit in Helsinki on July 16th, but y had previously encountered conferences.

After criticism in US of Trump’s attitude towards Putin, both states had initially refrained from US president’s proposal that Putin could travel to United States in fall. Now, US presidential officer Sarah Sanders said Trump is still enthusiastic about idea of a new top meeting. Trump had challenged politicians in his own country because he had questioned assessment of his intelligence services that Russia tried to manipulate presidential campaign in US: he sees no reason why Russia is in US election Should have interfered. He later declared that he had promised himself.

After Helsinki Summit, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis is now considering wher first encounter with Russian defense minister could have been in place for years. “I’m checking a meeting with my counterpart, but it’s not decided yet,” Mattis told reporters.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkow said that a meeting was being discussed between Secretary of State Sergei Lavrov and US foreign minister Mike Pompeo. However, re are difficulties with timetable.