A forest fire has erupted in Brandenburg and threatens to reach village of Spruce Forest near Potsdam. The fire brigade asked residents of village to prepare for an evacuation. About 2,800 inhabitants live re.

“Provide clothing and important documents. Turn on radio and television, “said fire brigade’s warning to local residents. People in immediate vicinity of fire should close windows and doors. According to state of Brandenburg, around 180 forces are fighting fire. According to Ministry of Interior, 40 to 50 hectares are now on fire. The police sent a helicopter to air to give rescue workers an overview.

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The authorities also blocked A9 motorway from Berlin to Leipzig – an important route to south and thus for many travellers to summer holiday. Car drivers should drive region wide-ranging, a spokesman said. A police picture showed a large column of smoke over highway.

According to Forest fire Protection Commissioner Raimund Engel, fire was created from unknown cause on side of A9. After that, it spread rapidly.

Due to continuous summer heat, in recent times in Berlin and Brandenburg, forest and field fires had come to life again and again. On a former military training ground near Jüterbog in Berlin, a fire on 25 hectares was spread on Thursday after fire brigade information. The authorities called highest warning level in federal state covered by extensive pine forests. In Berlin and Hamburg, according to media reports, water cannons from police were in use against heat and drought.