Environmentalists, emergency workers and volunteers have collected almost 1,000 tonnes of rubbish on a beach in Dominican Republic. The StrandPlaya de Montesinos in Santo Domingo, also popular with tourists, was hardest hit by a large rubbish carpet, as mayor’s office of country’s capital on Monday shared. At beach of Fuerte de San Gil re is still garbage collected, Teiltedas office. The cleaning will be completed by Tuesday.

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A video of Nature conservation organization Parley for oceans, which shows polluted Strändevon Santo Domingo, had taken place last week in SozialenNetzwerken for horror. In video you can see a dense garbage rug made of bottles, Styrofoam and or plastic waste. According to information DerOrganisation, around 500 people were in use to remove rubbish.

Werecommend suspects that garbage was Hispaniolagespült by a storm to coast of island. “Seeing this with your own eyes is shocking, but Wasviel is worse, is that it’s nothing new to Santo Domingo,” SagteCarmen Danae, from Parley for oceans. Every time it is heavily rain, rubbish is washed up, so it is. The rubbish was partly shoveled with excavators from water, as can be seen on video recordings.

DieDominikanische Republic is considered to be a popular holiday destination in Germany. The country shares island Hispaniolamit poorest Caribbean state of Haiti.