Following agreement of EU governments on an intensified asylum policy, several CSU politicians have expressed optimism. Manfred Weber, chairman of group of conservative European People’s Party (EPP) and CSU vice-chairman, said that EU summit took a major step towards a better migration policy. The EU shows a capacity for action, “not least because CDU and CSU are making pressure toger.”

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At Brussels Summit, EU countries agreed to establish joint asylum centres within EU on a voluntary basis and to examine reception camps for refugees in third countries. The EU border management agency Frontex is to be strengned. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had pushed for a Europe-wide solution in asylum policy. Their coalition partner CSU with Minister of Interior Horst Seehofer had threatened to reject refugees at German border without EU agreement in a national single-handed operation. The CSU set Chancellor a deadline of 1 July. On Sunday, CDU and CSU discuss EU results separately. Interior Minister Seehofer wants to decide wher he orders rejection of his own motion.

The Vice-Chairman of CSU regional group, Hans Michelbach, described EU compromise presented on Friday in ARD morning Magazine as a “positive signal”. The question now is what this means for national border and reception of refugees. The deputy CSU Chairman and MEP Angelika Niebler said in Bavarian radio: “I am pleased that we have made progress in European Union.”

Pro Asylum speaks of ” summit of Inhumanity”

CDU politician and Budget Commissioner Günr Oettinger said in German radio that he sees “good reasons” that CSU recognises EU’s agreement as a major step forward and does not trigger deadline on 1 July. The compromise is a “real breakthrough”. There is still a lot to be done in detail. However, Summit showed that European solutions would be possible.

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The German opposition, on or hand, criticized results in Brussels. Left-party chief Bernd Riexinger For example, resolutions called a “declaration of bankruptcy of Human rights”. The group leader of Greens in European Parliament, Ska Keller, said NDR info that heads of State and Government had decided on a “poisonlist” that would only be based on foreclosure. A similar reaction came from refugee organisation per asylum, Siesprach from a “summit of inhumanity”.

Positive reactions from EU

Governments of some or EU countries, which had seen EU summit critically, expressed a positive opinion after agreement. Italy’s head of government, Giuseppe Conte, who threatened temporary blockade of summit and set up several demands, said: “A more responsible and solidarity-filled Europe is being born at this European Council.” Italy is now no longer alone. Matteo Salvini, Italy’s interior minister, expressed a somewhat more restrained opinion. He welcomed EU agreement, Salvini said. However, he is waiting for “concrete promises”. Italy is one of main arrival countries for migrants. For a long time now, country has been pushing for more support from or EU countries to receive it.

Austria’s head of government Sebastian briefly expressed satisfaction that many EU countries now clearly focus on reducing migration and protecting EU’s external borders. In past, more national solutions have been expressed in asylum policy.

A positive reaction also came from Poland, which has so far resisted redistribution of refugees. Head of government Mateusz Morawiecki wrote on Twitter: “We have reached an agreement that is good for Poland and whole community.” There will be no forced resettlement of refugees, it was said by national Conservative politician of party Law and Justice PiS. After two years of difficult discussions, controversy and pressure, community unanimously adopted stance of Poland and V4, he wrote. With abbreviation V4 he referred to his Visegrad partners Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Time-Talk Vienna-Sebastian short about migration and borders of Europe time editor-in-chief Giovanni di Lorenzo discusses with Austria’s chancellor briefly about German and Austrian refugee policy and forthcoming EU summits. © Photo: Elisabeth Kessler for time