Those who owe mselves in Germany have an average of 28 times ir monthly income in chalk. According to calculations by Federal Statistical Office, liabilities of Germans who had visited a debtor consulting office last year were summed up to 30,170 euros.

According to Wiesbaden authority, debtors in Rhineland-Palatinate were hardest to bear for ir financial burden: y had an average of 37,518 euro liabilities and thus 35-fold of ir average monthly income. In or words, if a concerned could use his entire income to pay off his debts, he would be debt-free after 35 months.

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In Saarland (33,775 euro debt) consumers would refore need 34 months in such a case to carry off ir debt mountain, in North Rhine-Westphalia (36,090 euro) It would be 32 months. In federal State comparison, people in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (22,025 euros), who in best case would need 23 months for debt service, were least burdened. In Brandenburg and Bremen, people need 24 months at best.

The statisticians could not give a plausible explanation as to why re are such strong differences between different countries. In most cases, average monthly income of persons concerned is not reason: it was at a similar level between 925 and 1,193 euros. Unemployment is main cause of over-indebtedness.

The figures are based on information from 528 of approximately 1,400 debtor advisory services in Germany to about 127,000 people advised. The data was n extrapolated. There were too few data for Saxony-Anhalt.