BMW has announced DieSchließung of its works in UK if Brexit to disrupt supply chain. In this Fallkönne BMW is no longer producing its products in UK, said BMW manager Stephan Freismuthder Financial Times, responsible for customs matters.

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The German car manufacturer manufactures Mini and Rolls-Royce vehicles in UK. Ungefähr90 percent of parts used are from EuropäischenFestland.

BMWwolle will keep his works open in UK and also work AnNotfallplänen, Freismuth said. However, any interruption in import VonTeilen would increase costs and damage manufacturing approach. This foresees that components are delivered exactly at same time to tape, to which Sieauch are installed, sodasskeine expensive material bearings are needed.

Bereitsvor Brexit vote in June 2016, Rolls-Royce-ChefTorsten Müller-Ötvös and BMW Sales director Ian Robertson Davorgewarnt had to increase exit exceptional production costs “and could thus have impact on employees ‘ numbers.