Saarland’s Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) has asked federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) to support Chancellor in search for solutions with neighbouring States in refugee issue. “He might also be talking about this,” said Hans der Saarbrücken Zeitung. “It’s not enough to sit back and just wait.”

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From CSU’s point of view, Chancellor and CDU chairwoman Angela Merkel must present far-reaching agreements on this issue up to EU summit at end of month. Orwise, CSU chief and federal Interior minister Horst Seehofer will be able to disprove asylum seekers on border alone. Merkel had made it clear that in this case she wants to make use of her policy competence as Chancellor to stop this. As a result, Seehofer could be dismissed as Minister – and coalition of CDU, CSU and SPD would end.

Both protagonists meet on this Wednesday at an event commemorating victims of flight and expulsion in Berlin. In parallel, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) will be advising anor critic of Merkel course on refugee policy in Linz, Austria’s chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP). The meeting has been planned for months and is now particularly explosive because of bitter dispute. Austria will take over EU presidency in July and could n – as Söders hope – influence immigration issue in interests of hardliners.

The federal government’s Commissioner for Refugees, Annette Widmann-Mauz, stood behind Merkel. “National single gears, blaming between friends and populist agitation do nothing to eliminate worldwide causes of escape and to solve challenges we face,” said CDU politician of Passau New Press. CDU vice-chairman Thomas Strobl called on CSU to be moderate in tone. “Any barrage is to be set,” said Baden-Württemberger of Rhenish post. We can discuss substantive issues. “But tonality that we hear in part from CSU is perceived as inappropriate.”

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At least Bavaria’s interior minister, Joachim Herrmann, agrees on conciliatory notes, but does not move in matter. “The CSU does not want a break with CDU,” said Christian social of Passauer Neue Presse. It is important to maintain partnership relationship and group community in Bundestag. The CSU is also behind Chancellor’s efforts at European level – but: “Bavaria is prepared for necessary controls.”