For fifth time in a row, number of refugees has reached a record level: according to UNHCR, UN refugee facility has seen more people fleeing world over past year than ever before.

According to report, 68.5 million people had to leave 2017 ir homeland. More than half of m are children. Compared to previous year, number of refugees rose by 3.1 million, an increase of 4.6 percent. On average, more than 44,000 people were expelled every day. The largest proportion of refugees were internally displaced persons: 40 million people were fleeing from UNHCR information 2017 within ir home country. This figure decreased slightly compared to year 2016.

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The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Italian Filippo Grandi, declared record with ongoing crises, in particular in Syria, Afghanistan, Myanmar, South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo – almost 70 percent of those who fled came from se five States. “If re were solutions for se countries, figures could drop significantly,” said Grandi.

The figures refuted perception that above all better developed States in so-called global North were affected by a refugee crisis: “Some people believe that refugee crisis is a crisis in rich countries. That is not case, ” Commissioner for Refugees commented. 85 percent of refugees lived in low-or middle-income developing countries. A permanent new home would have found only 100,000 people.

“No one will voluntarily become a refugee”

According to information provided by UN last year, Germany recorded 970,400 displaced persons. In this way, Federal Republic is ranked sixth in world, behind Turkey, Pakistan, Uganda, Lebanon and Iran. In terms of population, Lebanon, followed by Jordan, took up most of refugees.

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In presenting figures, Grandi appealed to humanitarian responsibility of rich states. “No one will voluntarily become a fugitive. But we can help ors. ” The largest donor to UNHCR last year was US with a contribution of 1.3 billion dollars.