After affair of shortcomings in Bremen branch of Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), interior minister Horst Seehofer has sacked head of agency Jutta Cordt. He told head of bamf on Wednesday to release her from her duties, said a ministry spokesman. The successor will refore be decided shortly. The speaker pointed out that Seehofer had not ruled out human consequences of affair before weeks. Previously Spiegel had reported online about decision of Seehofer.

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Already last week, Seehofer had announced a profound reform of bamf. However, during a survey in internal committee of Bundestag two and a half weeks ago, he was still in front of head of administration. Cordt has been at top of bamf since January 2017. After discovery of Bremen grievances, she was accused of having reacted too late and did not follow early clues. There are also two ads from a private person against you. The 54-year-old himself has stressed that she is standing for enlightenment. “Nothing is hushed up with me.” It has set in motion several investigations and examinations of asylum decisions.

In Bremen branch of authority, a total of hundreds of asylum notices should have been issued incorrectly for years. The prosecutor’s office investigated n head of branch office and five or accused, including three lawyers.

“Good work Done”

The Chairman of Internal Affairs Committee in Bundestag, Andrea Lindholz (CSU), did not want to confirm redundancy Cordts, AberVerständnis expressed for such a decision. Cordt have good Arbeitgeleistet, but trust could probably not be restored, said Lindholz. The FDP-BundestagsabgeordneteLinda Teuteberg, on or hand, spoke of a “farmer sacrifice”.

On Friday former refugee coordinator and today’s economic minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) and former Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) and Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) said in Innenausschussdes Bundestag. The internal political spokesman of Union Bundestag Group, Mathias Middelberg, said that questioning “did not show that concrete mistakes were made or that concrete omissions were found”.

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The SPD MEP Burkhard Lischka said that internal controls of bamf had failed. “As SPD, we will strongly advocate that re be an independent Commissioner for asylum Matters,” Lischka announced. The CDU’s internal politician Armin Schuster said that numbers of refugees were not predictable in this dimension. The bamf could not be Lord.

Green Group vice-president Konstantin von Notz said that bamf should have been better positioned 2012 and 2013. However, Friedrich did not react as a responsible minister of interior of CSU despite reference. From point of view of Left party, blame lies with ministers. If you want to put bamf to pillory again and again, that would be completely wrong, said MEP Ulla Jelpke.