After Aquarius, anor ship with migrants on board is waiting in Mediterranean to allocate a safe haven. It is US Naval ship Trenton. The U.S. Navy said that Trenton had found and salvaged shipwrecked migrants on Tuesday on a routine operation in Mediterranean. Forty people were saved, y were given food, water and medicine on board. Since n, US authorities have been coordinating with ir international partners on how to proceed.

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The relief organization, Sea Watch, told us that U.S. Navy had called m on same day to take over rescued and corpses off coast of Libya. Out of concern for fate of Aquarius, y would not take survivors on board and would offer only medical help. The new Italian government from five-Star Movement and Lega had given Aquarius no permission from aid organization SOS Méditérranée on Sunday to return to an Italian port with more than 600 migrants on board. The ship waited for two days on high seas. Now it is on invitation of Spain to 1,500 km away Valencia. The Italian Minister of Interior Matteo Salvini wants to act against private rescuer, which he calls “vice-tug”. On or hand, ships from ir own coast guards were allowed to invest in Italy with migrants.

Ever saw your friends drowning next to you and being stuck on a ship, waiting for a solution and an assigned port of safety? That’s happening to 41 survivors of yesterday’s rescue, which left 12 dead. They need a decision now! apriteiporti

— Sea-Watch (@seawatchcrew) June 13th, 2018

Sea-Watch pointed out that migrants and crew were now uncertain and did not know what safe haven y could drive. People would have had to watch as friends or family members drowned, and would now be left hanging in balance, said Sea-watch spokesman Ruben Neugebauer.

Also spokesman of International Organization for Migration (IOM), Flavio Di Giacomo, criticized DenSchwebezustand. “Survivors of ship accidents are extremely vulnerable, traumatized and desperately need immediate help. Waiting for too long is not an option. “

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