
  • Page 1 — fasting, always continuing fasting
  • Page 2 — fasting as in video game – hardest level is Islamic
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    Mansur Seddiqzai teaches Islamic religious education at a gymnasium in north of Dortmund. He writes for time online about how his predominantly Muslim students see world.

    My grandfar in Afghanistan did not want to fast. Suffered in Ramadan, among or things because of a heart disease. But Dergesellschaftliche pressure was too high for him to admit it publicly. As soon as he got home, he instructed his children to close windows and pull curtains – and my grandmor had to prepare his food. In our family nennenwir is jokingly “Afghan fasting”.

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    Unfortunately, my grandfar’s dilemma is still topical today for my students, and in middle of Germany. I refore play with m “Ramadan police” and mime a strict moral guardian who checks dryness of lips and analyzes bad breath, both typical Begleiterscheinungendes long fasts. Finally, I do not insist on “Ungläubigenstempel”. This atrical deposit cheers my students. I still have to take group compulsion during Lent very seriously. Sometimes nichtfastendeSchüler are bullied, often at least subtly put under pressure.

    The or day, one of my students asked me if we could not take heat out of classroom. Anor drove him InsWort: “But you almost didn’t.” This phrase not only divides dieKlassengemeinschaft into fast and not fast, Sonderndahinter also idea that someone who does not fast has no right relief.

    Ors use fasting as an excuse for schlechtesBenehmen. A pupil crouched, his head buried in his arms, above table, and did not want to participate in class. Not only, he insulted his classmates when y reported. “I almost did,” he said, as I exhorted him. I try to pass on to my students: those who do not eat and drink will not automatically become good people.

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    However, fasting students are really at ihrekörperlichen limits. This year, you do without food and drink for 18 hours. It has become early summer. The heat makes Ihnenzu create and y sleep far too little. For y break ir fast spätund stand up early to get something fast before sunrise. This does not fit on average 34 lessons per week, homework and exam stress.

    Some of my high school students also help in Moscheenund sharing dinner with needy and refugees. After DemFastenbrechen, y stay in mosque and perform traditional Tarawih prayer re. This prayer joins DasNachtgebet every day. In doing so, students take time to recite entire Koran over period of Ramadan. In practice y stand dabeilange and leave mosque far after midnight. Then stay awake Oftnoch, because it is not worth to go to sleep until morning prayer. IhreHingabe and her dedication impress me. They also do not require any special consideration in classroom. On or hand, as a teacher, I must also distribute in RamadanNoten and must not favor anyone just because he is fasting.