The 629 refugees who have been on a ship in Mediterranean since weekend are now to be brought to Spain with participation of Italian ships. According to plan of Italian authorities, two Italian ships should take over some of 629 migrants from rescue ship Aquarius. All should n travel toger to Valencia, aid organization shared with Doctors Without Borders, who, toger with aid organization SOS Méditerranée, has chartered Aquarius.

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They should be supplied with supplies before change. The migrants were admitted to Aquarius in various rescue operations by SOS Méditerranée. According to aid organisation, re are also 123 unaccompanied minors, eleven small children and seven pregnant women on board.

Spain had declared its readiness to host refugees on Monday, after Italy and Malta refused. Both countries were responsible for or side of weekend and remained adamant despite international pressures. Malta had at least supplied ship with supplies on Monday evening.

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